Exciting Updates: Smarter AI, Easier Ordering & More! 🚀✨


Smarter AI, Easier Ordering & More! 🚀✨


⏩ Easier order placing

To make order placing even easier we have simplified the order form. We have streamlined the view so that the audience selection is all from one view. 

Simply, you choose what audience can apply to your shift, whether it is all Treamers, or a tailored pool, every applicant then needs to be carefully considered and chosen.  

Or you can choose from one of your dedicated pools, who can book your shift on a first come first serve basis.  First one to book will be auto-hired, skipping the selection process and saving you time.

✨ Smarter AI Recommendations

Treamer recommendation labels are smarter
To guide your decision making, we have improved our AI recommendation model to identify a candidate that is not only likely to show up for this particular shift but could also be a strong choice for this and future shifts. This is based on several factors:

  • Profile Information: Relevant details from their application
  • Work History: Experience and stability in previous roles
  • Industry Experience: Background in the relevant field
  • Reviews: Feedback from previous employers
  • Availability & Timing: How well their schedule aligns with job needs. For example, if a candidate applied weeks ago but the shift starts tomorrow, their availability might be less certain.



The applicant list is sorted by attendance reliability using Treamer AI
Workers at the top of the applicant list are less likely to cancel or miss this specific shift if you decide to hire them now. Key factors influencing this sorting include:

  • Timing: The interval between application, selection, and shift start is key. Even a highly reliable worker who applied weeks ago might have had their plans change, so timing significantly impacts their likelihood of showing up
  • Cancellation History: Patterns in past cancellations
  • Worker Rating: Overall ratings and reliability metrics

Since personal situations can shift and even reliable candidates might be affected by timing, it’s a good idea to chat with workers, especially those lower on the list, before making your final decision. This sorting focuses on the likelihood of attendance for this specific shift and doesn’t necessarily reflect the worker’s overall quality or long-term reliability.

🔻 Filter Applicant List

Handling a long list of applicants can be tedious and time consuming so we’ve added some filters to make sorting that much easier. Filter by the applicant’s location, whether they have worked for you or they have relevant industry experience. 

If you have any questions or need any assistance, get in touch with us on +044 981 3494.