Treamer Reels - Introduction & Inspiration


Share, Learn, and Connect!

We’re excited to announce that Treamer is taking a major step forward! Our platform is evolving into a social network designed specifically for frontline professionals like you. Whether you're a chef, construction worker, a cleaner, or a skilled technician, Treamer now offers powerful tools that allow you to showcase your skills, connect with others, and take your career to the next level.

⤵️ Scroll to the bottom of the page for inspiration ⤵️

What’s New?

Treamer now let's you share short videos and images of your work. Think of it as your personal portfolio where you can demonstrate your talents and accomplishments in real time. Videos are a fantastic way to let people see what you do best, and with these new tools, you can:

  • Show off your recent projects – Did you just complete a complex renovation or clean a challenging space? Share a quick clip of the process and final result.

  • Teach others – Got a technique or a special trick that saves you time? Share it! You’ll be helping others in the Treamer community learn from your experience.

  • Network with your peers – You’ll be able to connect with other workers in your field, share advice, or simply engage with content that inspires you.

  • Impress potential employers – Videos and images give employers a better understanding of your skills compared to traditional CVs. Show them what you’re capable of.

⚙️ You have full control of who can see your images and photos, whether it is just yourself and employers, your followers, or other Treamers - it's up to you! 

Why Should You Use These Features?

You might be wondering: why should I bother sharing videos and images? What’s in it for me?

Here’s why:

1. Build Your Professional Brand
In today's digital world, standing out can make all the difference. By sharing content, you're building your professional identity online. It’s your chance to show what you're passionate about, what you’re skilled at, and how hard you work.

2. Learn New Skills from Your Peers
Treamer’s social features aren't just for self-promotion – they’re for learning too. By following others in the community, you can discover new techniques, tips, and advice that can help you improve your own skills. It’s a space where knowledge is shared freely.

3. Gain Recognition and Opportunities
Videos and images provide employers with a richer understanding of your skills. Imagine the difference between a simple CV line that says "cleaning experience" versus a video where you demonstrate how you clean efficiently or share before-and-after shots. Employers will appreciate seeing the proof of your abilities, and it might just lead to your next big opportunity.

4. Inspire and Be Inspired
The community you create on Treamer isn’t just about work. It’s about finding motivation and inspiration from others who share your challenges and triumphs. See how your peers handle tricky jobs or share your proudest moments with the people who understand your work the most.

What Can You Share?

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • A Day in Your Life: Share what a typical workday looks like, from preparing tools to the end result.

  • Before and After Shots: These are great for workers who want to show transformations – whether it’s a cleaned space, a repaired machine, or a finished project.

  • How-To Tutorials: Got a skill that could help others? Create a short tutorial to share your knowledge.

  • Behind-the-Scenes: Show the effort and skill that goes into your work. Employers and peers will appreciate understanding how you approach challenges.

  • Success Stories: Share the projects you’re most proud of, and encourage others by showing that hard work pays off.

⏱️ How to get started?

All you have to do is go to the Mobile App, head to your profile and click on the Treamer Gallery tab and then click 'create'. 

⭐ Here's a few tips

  • Use media with good lighting either in natural daylight or under a good light
  • Keep it professional but friendly
  • Exercise caution and maintain workplace safety regulations 


  • Upload offensive or inappropriate images or videos
  • Provide personal contact information
  • Use copyrighted music or any other content for which you do not have the rights

⚙️ Set your gallery settings

Share your uploads with others, set your gallery images to "Public," "Everyone," or "Followers" by heading to the settings page.


EN - Create post and privacy setting

Here's some inspiration 👇

Remember you can upload lots of examples of various work, skills, tutorials that you have, from you doing the skill, or to the result of your jobs or of your medals or achievements. 




Me Treamerilla olemme mullistamassa keikkatyötä maailman nopeimman työnvälityssovelluksen avulla. Sovelluksemme on käytössä jo sadoilla yrityksillä sekä tuhansilla tekijöillä - jotta työ saadaan tehdyksi. Olemme Helsingistä lähtöisin oleva startup. Tällä hetkellä toimimme niin Suomessa kuin Virossa.

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